Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Alf and TX Critter


Paul Fusco, Alf, TX Critter,Puppets,Hamden High School, MOM
Paul Fusco, creator of Alf aka Gordon Shumway the lovable cat-eating alien from Melmac graduated from my high school, Hamden High School [MOM]. 

But before Alf, he gave local CT kids something which impacted me.

TX Critter, is likely the proto-Alf, and I can say I have fond memories of him as a kid hosting afternoon cartoons: GI Joe, Transformers and the like. 


More fondly, I even met TX Critter on two occasions. Once when my aunt's Junior's Women's Club invited Kidstime Express to a local town event, and once in studio, where we got to watch the show live!


  1. Replies
    1. It was very cool. And I will admit. TX Critter was to me as a kid, a real living-being. Though I also was aware he was a puppet. Sort of funny how a kid's mind works that allows both of those things to exist at once.
