Spanking Shorts

Spanking, Caning, Ebooks, Stockings, Feet, Bad Girl, Bare Butt, Spank, Caning, Tawse

Short, sharp, shocks! Delivered soundly to naughty young women's shapely posteriors.


Blue Knickers: A Spanking Short:
Alicia Buckingham neglects her babysitting duties to go club with her friends. Soon after, and well past her curfew, she gets an irate call from her mum demanding she return home to face the music. Though Alicia dreads it, she knows she must return home to face the cane!

Thrashing, Miss Padmore:
Mrs. Padmore tolerated her daughter's hedonist, stripper lifestyle, but even she has her breaking point. One drunken night too many and Shawna Padmore's Mum rung up the elderly family friend, Milton Hargrave for advice on how to deal with her disobedient daughter. Hargrave suggested a good old fashion thrashing, might do the little miss some good.

Tabby Cat, Gets Licked!: A Spanking Short:
Tabitha's no good, very bad week, concludes with her getting an extremely sore bum, thanks to a misunderstanding of Aunt Karla's rules. Tabitha thought her boyfriend cheating on her with a ditzy blonde had been the worst part of a miserable week. Tabitha's caned bum says differently.

The Singaporean, Girl: A Spanking Short:
New neighbors move into Redwood Apartments, beautiful Bo Yang, and her strict mother. Much to long time resident “Old Man” Calvin Summers pleasure, who gets an education in cultural differences upon striking up a close friendship with the two women.

Billy Goats Gruff: A Spanking Short:
A good old fashioned razor strapping out in the barn, teaches London Tarkenton, while visiting a working family farm, that even collage girls, aren’t too grown up to be thoroughly spanked, when the occasion deems it necessary.