Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Joker [And Our Unhinged Media Elite]

Joker, DC Comics, Joaquin Phoenix, Media, SJW, Movies, NPC, Fake News, Awards, Oscars, The Batman, Batman, Bruce Wayne,

Let me begin by saying. I think those who worked on this movie's first purpose was to create a breakdown of what makes Batman's greatest villain, who and what he is.

I don't think the purpose was any sort of agenda, beyond taking a microscope to the Joker himself. However by accident much more outside the realm of the film itself has been revealed.


Our Media is unhinged and cannot handle ANYTHING no matter how docile or even within the bounds of normalcy that even hints running against the grain of their approved narrative.

Its not so much that I like the Joker. But I do enjoy what its done to our Elite Media.

The fallout (mostly among the Twitter Elite Entertainment Media) at Joker's Oscar nominations is almost more fun than the movie that they are overreacting to. It proves none of these people should be taken seriously about much of anything, yet specifically in the case of what should and should not be included in our entertainment.

Me. I usually ignore movie reviewers. This only confirms that I have been correct to do so, and shall carry on doing so.

Doomcock has a video about Joker and the Oscar nominations. Go watch!

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