Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kissing Cousins [Rey and Kylo Ren: The Rise of Skywalker]

Star Wars, Science Fiction, Movies, Shmi Skywalker, Sheev Palpatine

Did no one at Disney think to tell JJ Abrams, that Sheev Palpatine is Anakin Skywalker's father?

I'm totally OK with Disney making Sheev Palpatine Anakin's father - This is one of those little tidbits which actually enhanced the overall Star Wars story for me, and is far more satisfying than having an off screen, never revealed Darth Plagueis mess about with the Force to get here.

Its also the simpler explanation.

But it makes this...

All sorts of icky...

Rey Palpatine, Ben Solo, Kissing Cousins

That... Looks kinda fever pitched and romantic to me. WAY more tongue than anything Anakin ever gave to Padme in the Prequels.

When you are looking at that image.

Sheev Palpatine is grandfather to both Rey, and Ben Solo.

They could have had Rey be a Palpatine without almost no problem - But they would have meant she can't be the hero of the Skywalker Saga, and oh, Reylo could not also still be a thing.

Yet clearly Disney wanted despite their OWN CANON wanted to appeal to the rabid Reylos out there.

Just wait until this fully sinks in once the movie is widely released. Trust me. It will.

And if I am to understand things. Both Luke and Leia KNEW who Rey was all along - One guesses so did Han, and by implication Ben knew as well.

"What girl?!!!!!!!!"

That line now takes on bigger implications.

EMO Kylo lusting after his cousin. On purpose.

The innocent kiss by Leia to Luke in a A New Hope is NOT the same as this.

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